Portfolio: The Environment

When it comes to work on environmental issues, Tobin Communications, Inc. (TCI) has an extensive history. For decades, we’ve played an important part in numerous campaigns that have gone to the core of the public policy debate.
Clients we have worked with include:
The Western Conservation Foundation, Conservatives for Responsible Stewardship, Environmental Defense Fund, Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition, Conservation Lands Foundation, Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, ConservAmerica, Izaak Walton League, The Wilderness Society, and the National Wildlife Federation.
Below are some of the stories we put a spotlight on:
Ohio Transit Agency is Modernizing its Bus Fleet & is Generating a ‘Buzz’ in the Community: Because of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), the next public bus you ride may run on electricity. In a video for the Americans for Transportation Mobility (ATM) Coalition, TCI highlighted the benefits for communities these buses serve.
Izaak Walton League of America: After setting up a series of radio interviews for the Izaak Walton League of America (IWLA) in 2015, we produced this video using a key soundbite from one of the interviews. The soundbite features an IWLA spokesperson discussing the importance of protecting the EPA’s clean water rules, which Congress was attempting to weaken.
Interview w/ Former Secretary of State George Shultz for ConservAmerica: In this 2010 video, Sec. Shultz made the point that renewable energy is good for the environment and good for our national security.
Back to School in Charles County: Sometimes, using tough messaging becomes necessary when you really need to get your point across. That’s what we did in this video, which was produced for the Smarter Growth Alliance for Charles County, a group with members that include the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, the Sierra Club and others.
The Future of the Chesapeake Bay Hangs in the Balance: A team of biologists from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources explains the role that submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) plays in protecting the overall health of the Chesapeake Bay. This video was produced by WeMakeItNews.com.
Dogs of Charles County Don’t Like the Development Lobby Ties of Rucci, Davis & Collins: Three dogs are juxtaposed with three politicians. The video was produced for the Smarter Growth Alliance for Charles County (SGACC).
ConservAmerica Podcast with David Jenkins: This video features some hard commentary about the modern GOP’s stand on environmental and climate issues.
Save Charles County: This hyper local video for the Smarter Growth Alliance for Charles County (SGACC) offers a sobering reminder about the impact of sprawl development on a local community.
Written stories:
I Interviewed George Shultz in 2010 – His Words Remind Us that America’s Best Days Are Always Ahead
Could Maryland Face a Branding Crisis if the Chesapeake Bay Continues to Decline?
Charles County Pays for Tourism Report, Then Shelves Many of the Takeaways
Story of Osprey Rescue in Poignant New Video
Radio interviews:
Conservation Lands Foundation (CLF): In 2017 and 2018, TCI set up a series of radio interviews on behalf of CLF. The purpose of the campaign was to push back against a Trump Administration plan to dramatically shrink protection of the Bears Ears National Monument in Utah. The national monument was ultimately protected by the Biden Administration.
The Wilderness Society (TWS): Through this radio campaign, we helped bring attention to a TWS report that highlights six places around the U.S. that the organization says should be off limits to drilling and/or development.
Conservatives for Responsible Stewardship (CRS): Over the years, TCI has worked with CRS on a number of campaigns, including this Radio Media Tour that educated the public about the need to protect tax subsidies for the wind energy industry.
National Wildlife Federation (NWF): NWF turned to TCI to set up dozens of radio interviews for its celebrity wildlife expert David Mizejewski. In this Denver radio interview, David discussed NWF’s “Great American Backyard Campout.”
Interview w/ former Governor Parris N. Glendening of Maryland for WeMakeItNews.com: This wide ranging discussion tackles the issue of sprawl development and is a great primer for why communities should embrace smart growth planning.
Interview w/ former Charles County Commissioner Ken Robinson for WeMakeItNews.com: The environmental movement depends on victories at the local level. A battle over the redrawing of a comprehensive plan in Charles County, Maryland was the basis of these soundbites that were used for social media distribution to defeat ingrained development interests in the county. The effort succeeded.